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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

 MaToToSrMuMuVaX  Haiduk Adolf
husband of cousin 2nd. degree of father(HuDoDoSiMoMoFaX / #287)
+zwischen 1907 und 2009   

 SoToToSrMuMuVaX  Haiduk Adolf
cousin 3rd degree(SoDoDoSiMoMoFaX / #288)
*zwischen1908 und 1985   

 VaVaFrBrMuX  Korista Adolf
grandfather of wife of uncle(FaFaWiBrMoX / #1047)

 MaToSoSoSoSoBrVaVaVaVaMuX  Peiger Adolf Ludwig
husband of cousin 5th. degree(HuDoSoSoSoSoBrFaFaFaFaMoX / #1895)
*zwischen1904 und 1964   

   Sabath Adolf
*04.04.1866 in Zabor bei Blatna

   Steiner Adolf
*zwischen1956 und 1976   

 BrMuMuMuX  Willheim Adolf
brother of grand[2]mother(BrMoMoMoX / #421)
+zwischen 1895 und 1969   


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