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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

 ToToBrMuX  Ennes Marie
daughter of cousin(DoDoBrMoX / #34)
*199x in Versailles   

 FrBrVaVaVaX  Jup Marie [∞ Schröfl]
sister in law of grand[2]father(WiBrFaFaFaX / #179)

 MuVaVaMuMuX  Kafka Marie [∞ Sabath]
grand[4]mother(MoFaFaMoMoX / #545)
+zwischen 1821 und 1881   

 FrBrMuMuVaX  N. Marie [∞ Mühlhofer]
sister in law of grand[2]mother(WiBrMoMoFaX / #251)
+zwischen 1879 und 1969   

 FrBrVaVaX  Nickl Marie [∞ Schröfl]
sister in law of grandfather(WiBrFaFaX / #196)
+zwischen 1910 und 1974   

 VaMuFrSoToVaX  Rahir Pierre Albert Marie Jules
grandfather of wife of nephew(FaMoWiSoDoFaX / #2319)
*16.12.1914 in Celles
+13.12.1999 in Brüssel   

   Sabath Marie [∞ Weigner]

 FrSoToVaX  Schmutzer Marie [∞ Kliche]
wife of nephew(WiSoDoFaX / #2284)
*zwischen1967 und 2008   

 SrVaVaVaX  Schröfl Marie [∞ Weiser]
sister of grand[2]father(SiFaFaFaX / #158)

   Schröfl Marie [∞ Auer]
*193x in Pruggern    

 ToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl Mannsperg Schöffenheimb Marie Josefine [∞ Mittrovsky]
cousin 4th. degree of grand[4]father(DoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #514)
*1793 in Rozinka, Mesto Nove
+zwischen 1823 und 1888   

 SrMaToSrMuMuMuX  Weiss Marie "Ritschie" [∞ Wachstein]
sister in law of cousin of grandmother(SiHuDoSiMoMoMoX / #580)
+zwischen 1907 und 1980    [1939 New York ]

   Zobel Marie [∞ Schröfel]
*zwischen1971 und 1989   


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