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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

   Adler Theresia "Rosalie" [∞ Sabath]

 MuMuVaFrX  Besenhofer Theresia [∞ Fasching]
grand[2]mother of wife(MoMoFaWiX / #1917)
*26.03.1845 in Wallendorf
+zwischen 1895 und 1940   

 MuFrBrMuX  Binder Theresia [∞ Korista]
mother in law of uncle(MoWiBrMoX / #1006)
+zwischen 1930 und 2005   

 MuMuMuMuFrBrMuX  Dorfmeister Theresia [∞ Schmelzing]
grand[3]mother of wife of uncle(MoMoMoMoWiBrMoX / #1012)
+zwischen 1840 und 1905   

   Eschelmüller Theresia [∞ Schröfl]
*zwischen1904 und 1916   

 FrSoSrVaFrX  Fischl Theresia "Resi" [∞ Decker]
wife of cousin of wife(WiSoSiFaWiX / #1970)
*zwischen1936 und 1961   

   Fuchs Theresia [∞ Schröfel]
+zwischen 1844 und 1919   

 MuMuVaMuVaX  Hellheiß Theresia [∞ Gelardini]
grand[4]mother(MoMoFaMoFaX / #473)
+05.08.1859 in Neunkirchen   

 MuMuMuVaX  Hirschler Theresia [∞ Mühlhofer, N.]
grand[3]mother(MoMoMoFaX / #241)
*14.09.1825 in St.Johann i.Steinfeld
+zwischen 1862 und 1920   

 ToToMuMuMuVaX  Hirschler Theresia [∞ N.]
cousin of grandmother(DoDoMoMoMoFaX / #298)
+zwischen 1895 und 2000   

 FrSoSoBrVaVaVaVaMuX  Huber Pauline Theresia Anna [∞ Brauneis]
wife of cousin 2nd degree of grand[2]father(WiSoSoBrFaFaFaFaMoX / #1868)

 MuMuMaSrMuMuX  Metzl Theresia [∞ Fantl]
grandmother of brother in law of grandmother(MoMoHuSiMoMoX / #1730)

 MuMuMuMuMuVaX  N. Theresia [∞ Mohr]
grand[5]mother(MoMoMoMoMoFaX / #463)
+zwischen 1794 und 1869   

 FrSoBrVaFrX  N. Theresia [∞ Kloiber]
wife of cousin of wife(WiSoBrFaWiX / #2248)
*zwischen1939 und 1992   

 MuVaVaMuMuFrBrMuX  Pöstlin Theresia [∞ Wiesmayr]
grand[4]mother of wife of uncle(MoFaFaMoMoWiBrMoX / #1040)
+zwischen 1812 und 1887   

 MuMuMuFrBrMuX  Schmelzing Theresia [∞ Wiesmayr]
grand[2]mother of wife of uncle(MoMoMoWiBrMoX / #1010)
*02.05.1837 in Wernstein
+zwischen 1877 und 1932   

   Schröfel Theresia [∞ Bittner]
*zwischen1958 und 1989   

   Schröfl Theresia
*193x in Pruggern    

   Schröfl Theresia [∞ Fritsch]

 MuMuFrBrMuX  Wiesmayr Theresia [∞ Binder]
grandmother of wife of uncle(MoMoWiBrMoX / #1008)
*06.10.1877 in Wernstein
+zwischen 1907 und 1972   


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