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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

 VaMuVaVaVaVaX  Baumgartner Franz
grand[5]father(FaMoFaFaFaFaX / #507)
+zwischen 1783 und 1857   

 MaMuVaMaToVaX  Bimassl Franz
husband of grandmother of brother in law(HuMoFaHuDoFaX / #2304)

 VaVaMuX  Brauneis Joannes Franz Seraph
grand[2]father(FaFaMoX / #395)
*24.08.1847 in Geidorf
+14.03.1892 in Wien    

 VaMuVaMuMuMaToToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Cischini Franz
grand[4]father of husband of cousin 5th. degree of grand[3]father(FaMoFaMoMoHuDoDoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #1005)
+zwischen 1675 und 1784   

 MaToToSrFrBrVaVaX  Edelbauer Franz
husband of granddaugther of sister in law of brother of grandfather(HuDoDoSiWiBrFaFaX / #1334)

 MaToSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Elmpt zu Dammerscheidt Franz Philipp
husband of cousin 2nd. degree of grand[6]father(HuDoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #1001)
+zwischen 1752 und 1842   

 SoToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Esterhazy Franz
cousin 5th degree of grand[3]father(SoDoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #916)
+zwischen 1845 und 1930   

 BrMuVaFrX  Fasching Franz
brother of grandmother of wife(BrMoFaWiX / #2227)
*16.08.1885 in Wallendorf
+zwischen 1915 und 1980   

 VaMuVaVaMuVaX  Glögler Franz
grand[5]father(FaMoFaFaMoFaX / #481)
+zwischen 1786 und 1860   

 BrVaVaFrX  Kloiber Franz
brother of grandfather of wife(BrFaFaWiX / #2202)
*29.06.1885 in Wallendorf
+zwischen 1915 und 1980   

 VaVaVaFrX  Kloiber Franz
grand[2]father of wife(FaFaFaWiX / #1916)
*1856 in Mogersdorf
+zwischen 1894 und 1951   

 BrVaFrX  Kloiber Franz
uncle of wife(BrFaWiX / #1925)
*14.04.1924 in Güssing
+20.04.2007 in Güssing    

 SoBrMuMuVaX  Mühlhofer Franz
cousin of grandmother(SoBrMoMoFaX / #321)
+zwischen 1900 und 2009   

 BrMuVaX  Mühlhofer Franz
brother of grandmother(BrMoFaX / #348)

 MaToBrFrBrVaVaX  Reichmair Franz
husband of niece of sister in law of grandfather(HuDoBrWiBrFaFaX / #1320)

 SoToBrFrBrVaVaX  Reichmair Franz
grandson of brother in law of brother of grandfather(SoDoBrWiBrFaFaX / #1324)

 SoBrVaVaVaX  Schröfl Franz
cousin of grandfather(SoBrFaFaFaX / #165)

 SoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl Franz Josef Ignaz
cousin 3rd degree of grand[5]father(SoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #527)
+zwischen 1803 und 1866   

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Franz
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #965)
+zwischen 1677 und 1742   

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Franz Anton
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #105)
+zwischen 1741 und 1795   

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Franz Josef
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #910)
+zwischen 1710 und 1803   

 BrMuFrX  Tárnok Franz
uncle of wife(BrMoWiX / #1920)
*zwischen1921 und 1941   

 VaMuMuMuMaToToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  v. Harrucker Franz Dominik Bernhard
grand[3]father of husband of cousin 5th. degree of grand[3]father(FaMoMoMoHuDoDoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #928)
+zwischen 1725 und 1806   

 VaVaMuMuMaToToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  v. Stockhammer Johann Franz Paul
grand[3]father of husband of cousin 5th. degree of grand[3]father(FaFaMoMoHuDoDoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #926)
+zwischen 1715 und 1804   

 MaSrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Vorrig v. Hochhaus Franz Ferdinand Leopold
brother in law of grand[8]father(HuSiFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #968)
+zwischen 1658 und 1748   

 MaToToSrMuMuMuX  Winkler Franz
husband of cousin 2nd. degree of mother(HuDoDoSiMoMoMoX / #587)
*12.04.1907 in Wien
+01.01.1972 in New York    


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