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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

 VaVaVaMuVaX  Berr Johann Michael
grand[4]father(FaFaFaMoFaX / #477)

 VaVaVaVaMuVaX  Berr Johann Paul
grand[5]father(FaFaFaFaMoFaX / #479)
+zwischen 1781 und 1855   

 VaVaVaVaVaVaMuX  Brauneis Johann Adam
grand[6]father(FaFaFaFaFaFaMoX / #1858)
*1722 in Baumgarten bei Tulln    

 VaMuX  Brauneis Johann Paul
grandfather(FaMoX / #50)
*05.09.1888 in Wien
+03.01.1958 in Wien    

 VaVaVaMuX  Brauneis Johann Nepomuk
grand[3]father(FaFaFaMoX / #402)
*06.05.1812 in Znaim?
+zwischen 1846 und 1907   

 VaVaVaVaVaVaVaMuX  Brauneis Johann Adam
grand[7]father(FaFaFaFaFaFaFaMoX / #1856)   

 VaVaVaVaVaMuX  Brauneis Johann Adam
grand[5]father(FaFaFaFaFaMoX / #1860)
*1745 in Groß Meiselsdorf?
+1787 in Ravelsbach    

 VaMuMuVaMuVaMuX  Brenner Johann
grand[6]father(FaMoMoFaMoFaMoX / #450)
+zwischen 1754 und 1848   

 VaMuVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Gatterer Johann
grand[7]father(FaMoFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #1757)
+zwischen 1715 und 1788   

 BrMuMuVaX  Mühlhofer Johann
brother of grand[2]mother(BrMoMoFaX / #247)
+13.02.1892 in St.Johann i.Steinfeld    

 VaMuMuVaX  Mühlhofer Johann
grand[3]father(FaMoMoFaX / #240)
*28.12.1826 in St.Johann i.Steinfeld
+zwischen 1861 und 1921   

 SoBrMuMuVaX  Mühlhofer Johann
cousin of grandmother(SoBrMoMoFaX / #254)
+zwischen 1906 und 1999   

 VaMuMuFrBrVaVaVaX  Sachslechner Johann
grand[2]father of sister in law of grand[2]father(FaMoMoWiBrFaFaFaX / #491)
+zwischen 1792 und 1844   

 VaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröffl Johann
grand[7]father(FaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #1698)
+zwischen 1705 und 1786   

 VaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl Johann Georg
grand[5]father(FaFaFaFaFaFaX / #107)
*03.04.1748 in Markt Aussee
+11.12.1823 in Markt Aussee   

 VaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl Johann
grand[6]father(FaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #1428)
+zwischen 1755 und 1808   

 SoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Gottlieb
brother of grand[8]father(SoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #899)

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Leopold Josef
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #906)
+zwischen 1710 und 1803   

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Nepomucen
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #913)
+zwischen 1710 und 1803   

 SoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Maria Ignaz Johann Leopold
cousin 2nd degree of grand[6]father(SoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #110)
+zwischen 1772 und 1844   

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Gottlieb
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #961)

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Franz
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #965)
+zwischen 1677 und 1742   

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Ferdinand
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #973)

 SoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Christof
brother of grand[8]father(SoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #898)

 SoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Ignaz
brother of grand[8]father(SoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #901)

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Judas Thaddaeus
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #909)
+zwischen 1710 und 1803   

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Josef
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #959)

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Maximilian
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #962)
+17.09.1678 in Graz   

 BrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Gottfried
brother of grand[8]father(BrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #970)

 SoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Johann Leopold
brother of grand[8]father(SoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #896)
*22.08.1658 in Steyr
+zwischen 1699 und 1753   


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