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Relationship to Paul Benjamin Schröfl
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Descendants of anchestor
Married to the familiy
Kind of relationship not known at the moment

   Bittner Karl
*zwischen1978 und 2009   

   Bittner Karl
*zwischen1938 und 1987   

 VaMuMaSrMuMuX  Fantl Karl
grandfather of brother in law of grandmother(FaMoHuSiMoMoX / #1731)

 SoBrVaVaX  Glantschnig Karl
cousin of father(SoBrFaFaX / #216)
*13.03.1901 in Wien
+13.11.1969 in Dresden   

 MaToVaVaMuMuX  Gruf Karl Josef
brother in law of grand[2]father(HuDoFaFaMoMoX / #103)
+zwischen 1854 und 1941   

   Karner Karl
*zwischen1974 und 2009   

 SoBrVaFrX  Kloiber Karl
cousin of wife(SoBrFaWiX / #1940)

 BrVaFrX  Kloiber Karl
uncle of wife(BrFaWiX / #1926)
*27.09.1919 in Wallendorf
+17.08.2003 in Graz    

   Koerner Karl
*zwischen1904 und 1935   

 VaMuMuVaFrBrMuX  Lumpelegger Karl
grand[3]father of wife of uncle(FaMoMoFaWiBrMoX / #1059)
+zwischen 1844 und 1918   

 SoSrMuMuVaX  Richter Karl
cousin of grandmother(SoSiMoMoFaX / #266)
+zwischen 1898 und 2000   

   Schreffl Johann Karl
*06.08.1713 in Aussee
+zwischen 1743 und 1808   

   Schröfl Karl
*zwischen1935 und 1971   

   Schröfl Karl
*zwischen1913 und 1921   

   Schröfl Karl
*zwischen1957 und 2009   

 SoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Karl Josef
cousin of grand[7]father(SoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #905)
+zwischen 1710 und 1803   

 SoBrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schröfl v. Mannsperg Karl Gottlieb Ernst
cousin of grand[7]father(SoBrFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #964)
+29.04.1748 in Wien    

 MaSrVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  Schüchl v. Salzbach Wolfgang Karl
brother in law of grand[9]father(HuSiFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #995)
+zwischen 1622 und 1712   

 VaMuMuMaToToSoSoSoSoVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaX  v. Stockhammer Josef Karl Johann
grand[2]father of husband of cousin 5th. degree of grand[3]father(FaMoMoHuDoDoSoSoSoSoFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaFaX / #924)
+zwischen 1765 und 1826   

 BrMuMaToVaX  Vielgrader Karl
uncle of brother in law(BrMoHuDoFaX / #2299)


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We appreciate your comments, please send them to Paul Schröfl (pauli schroefl.com). The usage of this Web Site underlies our usage policy. © 1990- 2024 Paul Schröfl, Lisl Schröfl. Last changes made on december 7th, 2021